Press Reviews - CD


Laude Sancta Maria- Legenda Aurea- Laudarium

(Répertoire, F 1995) 

"... Nous entrons ici dans le domaine de la joie - et de la douleur - simple, mais sous-tendue par un souffle et une profondeur spirituelle prenantes. Et les couleurs vocales et instrumentales, d’une souplesse, d’une beauté et d’une précision inouïe, sont un absolu bonheur..."

(Fanfare, USA, V/1995) 

"... Without impugning the fine Binkley disc, this is the most imaginative execution of a laude program on disc, and those who are interested in the genre would do well to replace any of their older discs..."

(Diapason- F 2000) Le voyage poétiqueest revendiqué comme une composante majeure de la restitution musicologique...Une fois de plus, la perfection de la mise en oeuvre- quelité du chant, soin apporté au subtil soutien instrumental-.....Disons simplement que le le charme opére laissant un parfum à la fois doux, obsédant, enletant....”


Voyage en Italie

(Grammophone GB 2003)

 “… The delightful novelty here is the singing....they sing so marvellously together, completely in tune and each sensitive to the moves of the other. But each has a voice of true individuality, without any affectations....They work well together as a group, and they have chosen a good program....there is much to be said for the evident enjoyment they get from playing in this way...Everything is done with joy and enthusiasm....” D. Fallows

(Diapason F 2003)

“Ce programme baigne dans une esthétique homogène, resolument guidée par la choix de l'intime contre la monumental, de la lignecontre la masse, ….approche magistrale de subtilet<è et de limpidité, une authentique decouverte....Ces cinques chanteurs instrumentalistes ont montré la richesse deleurs compétences et de leur imagination...c'est superbe”. D. Fiala


Sponsa Regis

(Diapason F 2004)

“La Reverdie offre un superbe panorame de l'oeuvre d'Hildegarde:comme d'habitude, le programme et sa réalisation inventive sont d'un soin hors du commun...Un récital de plain-chant tardif, mais baigné dans la reverie hypnotique que provoquent l'aisance vocale- declamation apaisée, confondante de naturel malgré l'ambitus exigeant des mélodies – et l'intelligence musicale....”D. Fiala

(Disques Office CH 2004) 

“Le voix aériennes et pures de la Reverdie mettent en valeur les beautés de cette musique intemporelle....Trés attendu, ce superbe CD fera le bonheur de tous les amaturs de chant sacré.”


Missa Sancti Jacobi

(Mondo Dischi I 2006)

” L'esecuzione è di grande suggestione. Questi venti anni di attività insieme hanno reso le quattro musiciste capaci di suonare e cantare quasi come fossero un solo strumento e anche quando, come in questo caso, si avvalgono della collaborazione di altri colleghi, il risultato resta quello di una capacità d'insieme emozionante. Impeccabili dal punto di vista tecnico, i musicisti riescono a trasmettere tutta l'emozione e l'afflato spirituale di queste pagine...”

(Musica, I 2007)

“La musica affascina sia per la sapienza sia per l'immediatezza espressiva e la Reverdie la rende particolarmente accattivante grazie a scelte rigorose che volgono la filologia al servizio dell'esecuzione...tutto suona affiatato in questa registrazione, in cui la Reverdie infonde gioia e passione realmente sentite, capaci di farci comprendere musiche molto lontane dalla sensibilità moderna M. Marcarini


Carmina Burana

(laRepubblica, I 2010)

“Un classico da riascoltare. Scelta mirata, esecuzione sopraffina, rigorosa e divertita”. A. Foletto

(Musica, I 2009 *****) “Diciamo subito che questa nuova produzione de La Reverdie ha tutte le carte in regola per porsi come un punto di riferimento nell’ambito dell’esecuzione del repertorio medievale, sia per rigore stilistico che per pregnanza timbrica […]… Indiscutibile, in ogni caso, il rigore e la serieta` degli intenti, la competenza (anche le traduzioni dei testi latini sono davvero belle), l’eleganza dell’insieme e, come gia` ribadito, la valenza espressiva”., 

(Diverdi, E- 2009

“La Reverdie ha desplegado una proteica gama de recursos para dar vida a estas canciones goliárdicas: recitados en latín medieval, legítimos contrafacta de piezas que aparecen notadas in campo aperto y, por tanto, ilegibles hoy por hoy, distintas formaciones vocales, procedimientos heterofónicos y ciertas emisiones vocales propias de la tradición oral consiguiendo colores creíbles”.J. L. Arribas


Venecie Mundi Splendor

(Toccata, D 2015- CD des Monats)

Die um Instrumentalisten un Vokalisten angewachesene Gruppe hat nichts von ihrer Urprünglichkeit, ihrere Stimmfuehrung, ihrer musikalischen Stilsicherkeit eingebüβt. Noch immer ist der Gesang typisch und unverwechselbar, schlank,mädchenhaft, fast bescheiden. Der instrumentale Konterpart trägt dem Rechnung, ebenfalls mit dellikater Zurückhaltung und perfekter Spieltechnik. R. Strobl


L’Occhio del Cor 

(Classica F 2018 *****) 

La Reverdie se distingue par un jeu à la fois vivant et très doux, jamais surchargé, où l’ornement se fond dans la mélodie et ne fait qu’un avec elle. Toute la grâce lumineuse de l’Ars nova italienne est présente.N. Boiffin

(Musicweb GB- 2019 top recording of the year)

“....this new recording by the excellent and much-admired Italian ensemble La Reverdie is special for at least two reasons – first, for the intelligent sensitivity with which instruments and voices are blended (it helps, I suspect, that five of the six instrumentalists on the CD are also heard as singers) and secondly because the material performed is presented in terms of a particularly well-conceived programme......The integration of their voices is perfect and when they stop singing and play their instruments one hears the instrumental lines in much the same way as one listens to the vocal lines.....I have lost count of the number of times I have already listened to this CD. The performances by La Reverdie are superb and, for me at least, make the nature and greatness of Landini’s genius clearer than any other recordings I have heard.” G. Pursglove

(Grammophone GB 2019 -CHOICE of Grammophone )

“With over 20 CDs of medieval music to their name, the (Italian) group La Reverdie are certainly well placed to do an entire CD of Landini; and on the present showing perhaps they are the people best equipped to record the complete works of Landini, still a major lacuna in the catalogue. That is because they do everything with verve and commitment, giving each piece its own colour and meaning.To say that their performances are technically flawless is perhaps to miss the point, but that helps everything to work. On the other hand to my ears, the two most successful pieces are L’alma mie piang’e and Muort’oramai, in which the sisters Caffagni and Elisabetta De Mircovich sing alone, as they have been doing for over 30 years in public: there is a quality of musical exchange, of understanding where the pressure-points must come and of clear projection that is a rare pleasure to hear......” D. Fallows

(Medioevo, I 2019)

“Voci che incantano per la loro delicatezza espressiva, accompagnata dall'accuratezza in termini di intonazione e di ritmica, la stessa che ritroviamo nell'accompagnamento strumentale. Il risultato finale è di altissimo livello e vede l'ensemble confermarsi tra i maggiori interpreti del Trecento musicale italiano.” F. Bruni


Lux Laetitiae

(Toccata D 2022 CD- Tipp)

“The experienced ensemble effortlessly succeeds in bringing these artificial works into the 21st century, not least because of the fresh and lively performance and the balanced, perfectly matched interplay between the vocal voices and the sparingly but purposefully used instrumentation. A luminous recording that brings us closer to the pleasurable musical life of Ferrara!” W. Rehing